We Are Proud of our Awards and Contributions to the Community
PepsiCo Carrier of the Year ~ 2 Years Straight
Mainstream Transportation Inc. donates and fundraises in the community through Sports Teams and Community Events. We pride ourselves in giving back, here and abroad.
Recent Contributions:
Calgary Food Bank
Mainstream Transportation Inc. is always looking for the opportunity to give back. One of the ways we do this on a regular basis is donating to the Calgary Food Bank through their “Gleaming Program. As of February 2017, The Calgary Food Bank collected 35,685 pounds of food through generous donations from companies like Mainstream Transportation Inc.
Sweet Smiles Society
Not only does Mainstream Transportation Inc. support youth in our city, we are also concerned with youth abroad.
Sweet Smiles is a charity organization headquartered in Vernon, BC, Canada. Barrita Durward of Cotton’s Chocolates is the founder and operator of the charity. 100% of funds raised by Sweet Smiles goes directly to helping children in Mexico.
Vernon Jubilee Hospital Foundation
Mainstream Transportation Inc. has a small office in Vernon, B.C, therefore we donate to the greater good of that cities people and health care as well.
Celebrating 35 years of community giving, the VJH Foundation was established in 1981 as an independent society whose sole purpose is to raise capital funds for Vernon Jubilee Hospital. With the establishment of Interior Health in 2001 and the reorganization of health care in the North Okanagan, the Foundation’s mandate expanded.